Many people associate hemp with CBD. However, this confusion is detrimental to this crop which is completely legal. Offering various uses in cooking, cosmetics, or medicine, hemp is a plant with unknown benefits. Truth restored with our zoom on the five things to know about the benefits of hemp and cannabidiol (CBD)!
What are hemp and CBD?
For thousands of years, hemp has been part of man’s daily life. Botanically speaking, hemp and CBD belong to the same plant species, hemp Sativa L. This species is part of the Cannabaceae family, which also includes the hops found in our beers. Concerning CBD, it is the abbreviation of the term cannabidiol. This molecule is part of the many cannabinoids present in hemp. Contrary to the most known activities of the plant, the THC (or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the CBD is another molecule of the hemp which does not have any narcotic effect.
Legal in France under certain conditions
In France, hemp is grown for its seeds or fiber. The cultivated varieties must have a content lower than 0,2 % in THC so as not to cause any psychotropic effect. On the other hand, hemp-based products that are marketed must not contain any trace of THC. A report published by the World Health Organization states that CBD of natural origin is not associated with any negative effects on public health, and does not induce physical dependence. It is therefore imperative to consume only CBD-based products.
Therapeutic virtues
In these anxious times of health crisis, CBD can help to treat symptoms of stress, fatigue, and anxiety. Its therapeutic potential is very high as it has no side effects and does not generate addiction. CBD has many medicinal properties. It acts on the regulation of the immune system, on sleep disorders, and allows to relieve the pains associated with various chronic inflammatory diseases. Hence this famous feeling of well-being. The consumption of CBD should in no way replace medical treatment. In case of illness, it is better to consult your doctor and avoid self-medication.
In the kitchen: considered a superfood
Hemp seeds, also called hemp seeds, are used in various ways in our diet. They contribute to rebalancing our intake of essential fatty acids and have a very good balance between omega-3 and omega-6. This ratio helps lower bad cholesterol and fight against cardiovascular disease. Hemp seeds are also rich in proteins, and help to keep the digestive system healthy. They are also very rich in vitamin E. The company CBD Shop France offers products for the most part organic, rigorously selected, like the dried hemp flowers, which can be used as an infusion. A range of chocolates, candies, or even lollipops with hemp comes to delight the most greedy. Hemp seeds, preferably shelled, can be used in many dishes, both savory and sweet. They can be sprinkled on salads, vegetables, soups, yogurt, or even incorporated into desserts or pastries. Hemp oil from Hemponix Seed is used like olive oil.
A wealth of benefits for our skin
More and more popular in the cosmetic industry, this plant is full of benefits for our skin. In addition to its food use, hemp oil works wonders in cosmetics thanks to its moisturizing properties, which makes it a precious ally against skin dryness. Very effective in the treatment of eczema, hemp oil shows promising results in the natural treatment of herpes, psoriasis, or cold sores. In cosmetics, hemp oil remains unknown despite its nourishing, firming, and regenerating properties. It is therefore ideal for anti-aging care, to boost microcirculation, or to fight against minor redness.